Yoga Mat
Bring your own yoga mat, or rent one from us for $3/each.
At least one large towel to fit your yoga mat. No towel rentals available.
Reusable Water Bottle
Please note! We Do Not sell plastic bottles at the studio. Filtered water is available to refill your reusable water bottle.
Wear clothes you feel comfortable moving in and getting sweaty in.
Arrive well-hydrated
Drink PLENTY of water before class!
Avoid coming to class on a full stomach
Make sure you're well nourished, you'll need energy for your class!
Arrive Early
Studio doors are open 15 minutes prior to class time - Latecomers will not be permitted to class. For the safety and security of our studio and students, our studio is always locked between classes.
Under 18 years old?
Be sure you are accompanied by a parent/guardian for your first class as they will need to sign a waiver for you.
Is a committed yogi who strives to live yoga values both on and off the mat.

Has an existing passionate and committed yoga practice at Metta Yoga Calgary (minimum has completed the Into Month Pass).

Enjoys cleaning and organizing! This is not a position for front desk work, it is work behind the scenes keeping the studio clean and flowing for this community. (mopping the floors, cleaning the change rooms, collecting mats, garbage, laundry, etc…)

Has a grounded schedule that allows them to fully commit to two 2hr shifts or one 4hr shift every week for 4 months minimum.

It’s important to know going in, this is not a volunteer position, it is an equal exchange of energies!

The Sweat Exchange Program at Metta Yoga Calgary is a great way to share in the positive vibes of our community and to continue your strong yoga practice!

The Sweat Exchange position is hard work, and it requires commitment, work ethic and positive energy. It’s a great way to get to know your teachers, deepen your personal practice, and become a bigger part of your Metta yoga community especially if you’d like to go to any teacher training.

If you are currently looking for a job, working out a school schedule or have other such uncertainties in your schedule, please apply only once your schedule is solidified and you are able to confidently commit to a shift. Please consider honestly if this commitment will enhance your life balance.

If you feel that you’re the next best Sweat Exchanger to come along

